princess genevieve

jeudi, mai 20, 2004

I have a problem.

I hate it when people are late. I mean, really hate it. Probably more than is normal. I end up getting all irritated and angry when the person finally does show up.

Right now, I'm waiting for someone for lunch. And she's late. 11 mintues late, right now. She's consistently late, so I told her to meet me at my office instead of at a restaurant so I could keep working instead of just sitting there getting all mad. So even though I'm at my desk, and not at a table staring at other people's food, I'm still annoyed. I manage to get to places on time! Or at least call & say I'm running late. I know, the meet me at my office thing was my idea, in order to save myself some agony, but um, I'm hungry!

Do you think there's a 12 step program for this?


At 5/20/2004 4:05 PM, Blogger Amy M. said...

I hate lateness too. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. I tend to only give a ten minute window and then I'm gone.

At 5/20/2004 4:11 PM, Blogger Genevieve said...

I wish I could give people a 10 minute window, but then I feel guilty, like they're going to show up 15 minutes late, and panic because I've left. I know, this isn't my fault if this occurs, but I still feel bad. I need to get over this!

At 5/25/2004 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

oh gen - it's good you don't deal with me every day. i'm consistently 15 minutes late. but not often enough that you'll lie about what time i should really show up. i say deep breath - let people know you hate it and hope for the best. it can't always be helped. some folks (like me) are definitely in their own little world.


At 5/25/2004 5:36 PM, Blogger Genevieve said...

Yeah, I know, Martha. Some people are just like that. My problem really is that I am consistently early. So like I'll be 15 minutes early, and then whoever is 15 minutes late, and I end up waiting 30 minutes even though 1/2 is really my fault. I'm trying to be better about it but I'm so crazy about time it's hard.


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