princess genevieve

mardi, juin 01, 2004

Movie Reviews!

Sorry it's been a while since my last post -- last week wasn't great and I wasn't in a blogging mood.

Anyway, I saw a bunch of movies over this long holiday weekend. First, I saw The Notebook. I've never read the book, so I didn't really know what it was about. It was so sad! But good. It was pretty easy to figure out what was going on, and who everyone was, so it wasn't like I was surprised by the ending, but it was good. Grade: B+

Friday night I saw View from the Top at home. I had heard this movie was bad, so I wasn't expecting much, but I got it from Netflix anyway, because mostly when I watch movies at home I like mindlessness. It wasn't as bad as I expected, but despite its all-star cast, it wasn't great. Grade: C

Saturday I went to Kate & Matt's house, and we rented Intolerable Cruelty. This is one I've been wanting to see for a while, but it also wasn't great. Kate loved that there was a character named Weezy Joe, and I liked that George Clooney's character had given a presentation entitled "Distribution of Marital Assets after Murder Slash Suicide." But it was a little boring. Grade: C-

Sunday my dad & I went to see Troy. I went because I knew my dad wanted to see it, but it wasn't one that I would have specifically chosen to see. It was a lot better than I thought it was going to be, but it was still long. I think it might be good to watch it in installments. I have no idea if it accurately follows the Iliad, because I don't think I've read that one. Grade: C+

Yesterday I went with Courtney to see Raising Helen. I disliked that Helen quit her job once she got the children. (or was fired, she quit but was about to be fired, I think.) I understand that once people have children they have to change their priorities, but this movie made Helen give up everything she cared about for the kids. I think there has to be a better way. A way that she could have kept her identity and still been a good mom. But there was some amusing parts. Grade: C

Last night I watched Tuck Everlasting. I remember reading this book as a child, and I really liked it. The movie was pretty good too, especially since I don't really remember the book, so I can't compare. Alexis Bledel (from the Gilmore Girls) was good as Winnie. She looks pretty in period costumes. Grade: B+