Observations from BWI, 11 pm last night

If you are waiting at an airport, and you don't know the person you are picking up, it is a good idea to make a sign with that person's name on it, so they can find you. It is not, however, a good idea to make said sign out of a post-it note. Nor is it a good idea to stand behind people, so that the person looking for their name on a sign has to basically approach everyone to find the name-on-a-post-it sign.
Also? Airports should not have detours.
When I used to fly home more (I drive now) my brother used to pick me up, and he'd always make stupid signs even though he knew just fine what I looked like. My favorite was "Welcome to America Katie!"
Glad you found your post-it and made it home!
That is funny Katie. And the post-it note is definitely lame. Something tells me the person was not all THAT stoked to be picking up the stranger.
yeah, Molly, that's what I was thinking, too.
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