princess genevieve

jeudi, octobre 25, 2007


I need ideas. I'm going to a Halloween party on Saturday and I don't have any sort of costume. Here are the supplies I have readily on hand. If you suggest something not on the list, please make it simple.

Now, go to it! I know some of you are probably costume geniuses.

  • office supplies, like pens, post-its, and interoffice mail envelopes
  • clothes for work, like tights (black and brown), sweaters, and button down shirts. Oh, and skirts, too
  • jeans
  • 2 scarves - one pink, one purple
  • one Washington Nationals baseball hat
  • one green fleece
  • one denim jacket
  • Converse - 1 pair red, 1 pair blue
  • black ballet flats
  • clogs - brown
  • headbands
  • barrettes
  • pony tail holders
  • lace weight cashmere yarn
  • t-shirts
  • pyjamas
  • towels
  • 2 potholders and 2 dish towels
  • toilet paper

Anyone? Ideas? It's an emergency!

Libellés :


At 10/25/2007 10:28 AM, Blogger Mama said...

One of the more memorable costumes I've see was done by a guy who wore a box/carton* on which he had drawn windows, a door, some shrubbery, along with a triangular cardboard hat - he was "HOME BOY"!

*the carton was just big enough that it covered his torso - he cut holes for his arms and head to get through.

At 10/25/2007 10:18 PM, Blogger Paisley said...

So Halloween is basically fancy dress? Perhaps you could wear your pyjamas and go as Bridget Jones (in full singing-into-the-hairbrush mode)

At 10/26/2007 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

How about like your first Halloween--a clown? Yarn for hair with the cap over it turned sideways; lipstick cheeks; bright blouse; tights and skirt or even pj bottoms; fancy socks with clogs. Or the old box trick we used to do like Working Mom suggested--get some tempra (sp) paints and do what ever cereal box you have in the hotel, tights and clogs.

At 10/27/2007 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

You could do "windblown girl." It's pretty easy, just put a piece of newspaper around your leg and maybe a coat hanger through a scarf to make it stick out. Then mess up your hair a little. You could also carry a blown-out umbrella. A friend once did that. It was pretty funny.

At 10/28/2007 12:36 PM, Blogger Amie said...

I can't think of anything, but you got some good suggestions so far! Can't wait to here what you come up with.

At 10/29/2007 12:57 AM, Blogger Sarah Q said...

here is one i saw advertised on national geographic kids as a costume under $20. Cat in a Tree. Wear brown pants, buy silk leaves and wrap them around you like a shawl and then stick a stuffed animal cat on your shoulder. voila. cat in a tree.


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