princess genevieve

lundi, mars 15, 2004

Le Week-end

I didn't do as much this weekend as I had planned. I'm actually not sure what I did, to tell you the truth. I came to work on Saturday. I saw the movie Latter Days (which was cute! if you're in the mood for a romantic comedy, I'd recommend this one.) I had dinner Saturday night with Kate, Matt, Courtney, Randy, & Kobey. Kobey made friends with a little girl in the waiting area during our hour long wait for a table. She was adorable.

Sunday I decided not to go to work, because I felt like I needed a day off. I think I ended up sleeping most of the day. Went to Kids R Us and bought some baby gifts for Gemma's Judit, who is scheduled to arrive into the world on April 5th. I had dinner chez mon papa. I did not clean my apartment, which I really need to do! I set a deadline of April 2 for the whole place to be spic-n-span, because Sarah, Cap, & Andrew will be staying with me that weekend. Any ideas for how to stay on track?