princess genevieve

jeudi, juin 23, 2005

Official Police Notebook

I just went to run an errand. While I was standing at the corner, waiting for the walk sign, I noticed a police officer standing next to me. He had an Official Police Notebook in his back pocket. I am so curious -- what makes that one the official one? Why can't he just use a notebook from CVS, like the rest of us do? Are there special tips in there?

Also, ever since I've returned from California, and I learned that in L.A., people actually do get tickets for crossing the street against the light, I've been a little nervous about that. Not that I've ever actually seen an MPD officer give someone a ticket for that, and not that it's actually stopped me from crossing against the light. But I waited for the light to change today.


At 6/23/2005 3:30 PM, Blogger Molly said...

I lived briefly in this podunk town in PA growing up and people used to get tickets for jaywalking all the time, it always boggled my mind! Good thing they don't hand those out in NYC!

At 6/23/2005 4:09 PM, Blogger Bridget Unnel said...

Actualllllly -- they do. Sometimes. No, almost is a better word. I almost got one for crossing 42nd Street in the middle when the fashion show was in full swing at Bryant Park. Cops were having a hell of a problem with crowd control and apparently my jaywalking was adding to their stress. Happened a few years ago.

At 6/23/2005 4:25 PM, Blogger Genevieve said...

tickets for jaywalking. sigh. In L.A., Robiin & I kept jaywalking, and finally I asked Sarah why no one else was. I was shocked to learn they actually ticket for it!

Miranda Rights on the inside cover of the notebook -- that's a good idea.

I once almost got a ticket for riding my bike down a mardi Gras parade route (pre-parade, bien sur). but instead of a ticket, I just got yelled at.

At 9/02/2013 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

The official police notebook is the name of the notebook. There is nothing special in it at all... just a blank note book. It is manufactured to be able to fit in a back pocket and is long enough to be able to write enough information for each call you go on. It also has a start and end date on the cover so oyu can keep track of what time period you used the notebook for court reasons.


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