I've also had an email from my new Secret Pal 6. I hope secret pal 6 is as fun as secret pal 5 was! I've already started plotting my first package to my new SP 6 spoilee.
In other news, I bought a ticket yesterday to fly down to Louisiana next week with my mom. We're flying in to Baton Rouge and will be staying at my aunt's house, but going in to New Orleans on Saturday to check on the house, clean out the fridge, etc. That is, as long as Hurricane Rita stays away from New Orleans. I feel bad wishing a hurricane on anyone, but please, Hurricane Rita, go somewhere else.
je te souhaite un "bon" voyage en Louisianne...
tu as ete gatée par ta Secret Pal !! ;o)
n'hesite pas a nous faire un post sur le blog de Echarpe-moi ;o)
take care and have a safe trip !
Merci, Karen! Oui, je vais ecrire un post sur le blog de exharpe-moi, bien sur. I'm waiting for the package of yarn to arrive first!
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