princess genevieve

vendredi, juillet 29, 2005

Fireflies in the dark

Last night. I'm in bed, about to go to sleep. TV is off, lights are off. Suddenly, I see a bright light flickering. And again. And again. It was a firefly! In my bedroom!

I wasn't quite sure what to do. It's been a long time since I've chased a firefly, and I wasn't so psyched about doing it again. Plus, it had landed kind of high up on the wall, near the ceiling, and I couldn't reach. So I got the broom. And I kind of swept at it. For some reason, the firefly latched onto the broom, so I carried the whole thing to the front door, and shook it off into the hall. I think it'll be able to find the way back outside. The hallway windows are left wide open all the time. I bet that's how it got into my apartment in the first place. (or, the firefly really likes the Daily Show and knew I'd be watching it in my room at 11.)