princess genevieve

jeudi, juillet 28, 2005

Four Very Violent Brothers

I went to a screening last night of the movie Four Brothers. It's a movie about 4 adopted brothers who come together for their mother's funeral after she was murdered. They then work together to solve her murder and to seek revenge against her killers.

I thought the story was fairly interesting, although, as Mandy pointed out, sometimes the connections to people were so flimsy you couldn't really figure out what was going on. My problem was this movie was super violent! I mean, there was a whole 15 minutes towards the end of the movie that I simply couldn't watch. I was alternating between trying to cover my eyes and trying to cover my ears.

When we left, Mandy asked me who the target audience of the movie was. I said I thought it was 17 year old boys. She replied, "17 year old boys shouldn't see a movie that violent!" To which I replied, "I shouldn't see a movie that violent, and I'm 30!"