princess genevieve

mardi, août 02, 2005

And Now there are Three

Once upon a time, in a place called New Orleans, a baby was born, and her parents named her Genevieve. Baby Genevieve's grandmother gave her a stuffed dog, and she loved the dog so much, and carried him with her everywhere, and slept with him each night. Oh, and she also plucked all the fur off him, but not because she didn't love him. Baby Genevieve's parents named the stuffed dog Baldy, due to his lack of fur. As time went on, Baldy got skinnier and skinner, and Baby Genevieve's mom had to do major repairs on him, but he was still loved.

Baby Genevieve grew up, at least a little, and she went away to college. One year during her college life, her grandmother surprised her at Christmas with a brother for Baldy. College Genevieve's grandmother had found this brother in an antique store, and she named him Bubba. (which is not a name Genevieve would have chosen herself, but no matter.)

College Genevieve finished school, and is now Present Day Genevieve. This weekend, Present Day Genevieve's sister Leslie presented her with the third member to the gang. Meet Buford:


At 8/02/2005 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Wow, Buford and Bubba look very much alike. Baldy is a bit long in the tooth compared to the other 2 boys, but I suppose he is the senior citizen of the group. Nice find, Leslie!

At 8/03/2005 9:51 AM, Blogger Genevieve said...

yeah, Baldy is definitely a little out of shape. But to be fair, he was actually a bigger guy than the other two, so that's why he might look longer than the others. (the other stuff, well, my fault, totally)

At 8/03/2005 10:08 AM, Blogger Molly said...

Poor Baldy, perhaps he needs some of the Regenium shampoo or something :-)


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