princess genevieve

vendredi, août 05, 2005


You know how Uhauls have those drawings on them?
and they say stuff like "America's Next Moving Adventure: XXX State"? This morning, while walking to the bus, I saw this Uhaul. With pictures of koalas on it. I was trying to imagine which US state was the natural habitat for koalas, when I noticed the truck said "America's Next Moving Adventure: CALIFORNIA."

Um? California? Koalas are supposed to make me think of California? I know the picture is blurry, but I swear, it says California.

Which is probably lucky. Since I couldn't figure out how a Uhaul could drive to Australia.

By the way, I love my new camera phone. How cool is it that I can take pictures of stuff I see on my way to work?


At 8/05/2005 12:04 PM, Blogger Bridget Unnel said...

I can honesty say that "California" doesn't come to mind for me either!

At 8/05/2005 1:40 PM, Blogger Molly said...

Maybe they have koalas at the zoo in Cali? Umm yeah I think Australia as well. Maybe there is some secret under ocean tunnel we don't know about!

At 8/05/2005 1:42 PM, Blogger Genevieve said...

ohhh, wouldn't that be cool! it's a secret under-ocean tunnel to Australia, filled with Uhauls of Americans wanting to emmigrate.

At 8/05/2005 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

That's just hilarious and stupid at the same time! I wonder if they have U-Haul in Oz?

At 8/08/2005 9:51 AM, Blogger Genevieve said...

excellent question, jayne. I will attempt to find out.

At 8/08/2005 4:01 PM, Blogger Mark said...

Yes they do have koalas in California! Of course they are at the beautiful San Diego Zoo which isn't exactly Australia but it's on the way LOL.

At 8/10/2005 3:34 AM, Blogger Paisley said...

We have U-Haul here in Oz - but they only do trailers, not trucks so I'm not sure whether the companies are the same.
Maybe your U-Haul trucks have secret amphibian properties which will allow them to traverse the Pacific from California to Sydney?

At 8/10/2005 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Thanks for the info, Paisley. I didn't know that U-Haul was an international company.

At 8/10/2005 10:08 AM, Blogger Genevieve said...

yes, Paisley, that is what I'm thinking... the UHauls can swim! Everyone should own one.


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