A Tip

Here's a tip from your friendly neighborhood Genevieve. When locking your bike to a pole, if you have quick release tires, it is probably a good idea to include the tires in your locking up. HOWEVER, you should lock up the frame, too! Lock the frame, the front tire, and the pole together. Otherwise, you may come back and find you are the proud owner of a tire but no bike. If you want to be extra special cautious, like me, the victim of a bike theft and an attempted tire theft, you can also buy another lock to lock up your back tire. [edited thanks to Jayne's comments]
I hope everyone had a good weekend! Mine was busy. I went to a Belle & Sebastian concert. I watched World Cup soccer. (Zidane?) I went to a WNBA game. This weekend included more sports than I've probably watched the whole rest of the year combined. My sister should be proud. All it takes is a major world sporting event in a bar with lots of people.
I would actually recommend that you lock the front tire and the frame if you only have 1 lock (as most of us do), as opposed to the back tire with the frame. The back tire is much more difficult to remove than the front tire, which can be taken off in 30 seconds or less. Too bad for the person that only locked the tire!
oh, yes, you're right! I should change my advice... (that is actually what I did, too, when I rode my bike)
Perhaps it is a shove in the right direction from the bike thief. Now former bike owner can persue their childhoold dream of being a circus performer by mastering the unicycle!
Oh, the joys of owning a bike. I once had a bike seat stolen 5 miles from my friend's house ( I was visiting her and borrowed it! ) in Phoenix- that was one heck of a hot walk back.
Genevieve, let me know when SP9 starts....
I've never had a bike stolen... but when I was in primary school my bike was interfered with (it appeared that some rotten so-and-so twisted the front column around a couple of revolutions so that all the gear and brake cables got entwined) so that it was un-rideable. I'd walked half-way by the time Mum found me and it took her two hours to untangle the mess they'd made.
Rebeccah, that is awesome. Her skirt lights up! I have never had a Barbie before (wasn't allowed as a kid) but I might perhaps need this one!
What is it with people?
Do you ever consider moving somewhere with less crime?
hum, interesting question, Amie. Short answer is no. Long answer is I really like living in cities, which tend to have more crime, simply because of a higher population density, which is the whole reason I want to be there in the first place. And while it may seem like we have a lot of crime, I don't feel unsafe in my neighborhood at all. I'm also very careful, though, about taking care of my stuff (and myself!) I make sure not to leave anything in plain view in the car. I don't walk around alone after midnight. My bike did get stolen, but that was at Tulane. It was stolen from the bike rack at school in broad daylight! There were a lot of bike theives there so I got a new bike and a better lock.
Maybe if I had kids, I'd feel differently, but I don't know. There are kids who live in my building and they seem to be doing just fine.
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