princess genevieve

jeudi, mars 15, 2007

The World Doesn't Stop

Just because I am away. And I will be away longer - my trip today got extended until March 30. So that means today, March 15, I am sitting in my Brussels office, paying my bills online, just like I would be doing from my Washington office. I've also got a school assignment due the last week in March - I guess I will need to do it from here. I'll worry about that after the weekend!

Work has been extremely busy here. Which is why I'm staying an additional week, and maybe more after that. But I do have the weekend free - Saturday, I am going to the Netherlands to meet up with Robert, who was my spoilee in Secret Pal 9. I am looking forward to it! Sunday, I am meeting friends in Paris. Even though I think it's pretty cool that I will be in three different countries in a two day period, I'm more excited about actually spending time with friends. This week, away from all my friends, my constant entertainment, has been hard! I'm off schedule with emailing, so it's even been difficult to keep up with what's going on. And it will be nice to talk to someone who doesn't care about my job... I'm tired of discussing work matters over dinner.

Not sure what I will do on my second weekend - anyone want to meet me somewhere in Europe?

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At 3/15/2007 4:43 PM, Blogger Rachael said...

Wow - Brussels for almost 3 weeks? I don't know about you but I LOVED when work sent me to someplace new for an extended period of time. You get to know it a little bit better than if you were just there for a week.

I'd love to come to Europe to visit but can't - I have an exam that I need to prepare for, plus a ridiculous number of plans for the upcoming weekends.

Did you get in touch with Becky? Maybe she could meet you?

At 3/19/2007 7:31 PM, Blogger Jay said...

I would love to see you in Europe too, but I hear it's kind of a long swim, and my knee is still sore from when I walked to Brazil to meet another blogger...


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