princess genevieve

vendredi, avril 13, 2007

A Quick Question

Is it not spring here in the northern hemisphere? The season of flowers, allergies, my birthday, and numerous other delights? This month is the month of rain, maybe. (see: "April showers bring May flowers.") Do I not live in Washington, DC? Where we get an occasional snow shower, and every few years a blizzard, but usually, nothing to write home about?

Then why is there snow in the forecast for this Sunday? Sunday, April 15. One week after Easter.

I'm confused.

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At 4/13/2007 12:18 PM, Blogger Amy M. said...

Do you know that on Easter Sunday in Austin there was sleet on the ground? And snow in Dallas? Is this the Apocalypse?

At 4/13/2007 12:21 PM, Blogger Genevieve said...

I was thinking maybe it's payback for having such a mild early-winter... we were in the 70s into December!

But sleet in Austin last week? INSANE.

At 4/13/2007 5:42 PM, Blogger thethinker said...

It's strange, to say the least. It's not supposed to be cold in Texas right now. IT'S APRIL! I want real Spring weather.

At 4/16/2007 5:23 AM, Blogger Reuss said...

I don't know about you, but it's practically summer here in London! Although apparently it's going to cool off towards the end of the week...

At 4/16/2007 9:37 AM, Blogger Mama said...

I didn't even know that it was possible to have a Nor'Easter in the SPRING. This is not the Maryland that I have come to know.

ps: thanks for the gifting 411. What do you think of two (very pretty) tea towels and/or something home-baked (small-ish) for my hostess gift?


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